
First Skill Select Round for 2021-2022

The first SkillSelect invitation round for the 2021-2022 year! Conducted on 26 July, a total of 750 invitations were announced; 500 of those for a Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa and 250 for the 491 Skilled Work Regional (Family Sponsored) visa.

Subsequent the craze of the last few rounds, the lowest possible points score for the 491-visa remained at 65 points, and the 189 least score stayed at 80 points. The most lately lodged EOI for a 491 was from March 2021, while the most current EOI for a 189 visa was way back in July 2019.

Pro-Rata Occupations

Two of the pro-rata Industrial engineering occupations received invites this round:


Occupation ID Description Minimum Points Score Latest date of EOI
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 90 (SC189) 04/2021
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 90 (SC189) 04/2021

Cloudy Outcomes

As Occupation Ceilings have not been issued, review of the existing EOI data has provided no precision on which occupations really received invitations. We are confident that this data will be updated shortly to allow for more in-depth evaluation.

It is likely that the Government remains to focus on in-demand skills that seem on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List please note Chemists were added to the list after the 26 July round).


New Financial Year

With the new financial year reaches the reopening of State and Territory Migration programs, with new employment lists and needs.

We also saw a rise in Government lodgment fees through a broad range of visa types, with the most substantial being an expansion to Citizenship by Conferral fees; up nearly 72% to $490 per adult candidate.

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