We have been getting a lot of calls regarding the statement “it is time to make your way home” made by the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison this morning. We are writing this to inform you that you do not need to panic. The statement was just made in response to the urge of financial support to be provided to temporary residents in Australia be it a student, tourist or any other temporary visa holder during this crisis. The Australian government is not forcing anyone to leave the country. Considering the current situation, the government just advised that if anyone on a temporary visa in Australia is facing financial hardships, they can decide to go back to their home countries where they can not only get financial support but also emotional support of their family. As the Australian Government’s first priority is on supporting Australians citizens and Australian Permanent residents.
It is advised for temporary visa holders to register and keep in touch with your home country’s Consulate or High Commission in Australia, just in case the situation in Australia deteriorates or there is an emergency to travel. Keep in touch with Indian Consulate Melbourne https://www.cgimelbourne.gov.in/
IF you are getting confused or could not find the solution, Feel free to contact our migration agent, we will help you with the best possible solution. Call us on 61-3-96630944 / 61 405-903-744